
CMT@BRIXEN 28-30 August 2024

The meeting of the condensed matter theory Italian community

The goal of the meeting is to strengthen the links among the different Italian groups working in the field of condensed matter theory.

The conference is divided in five sections covering approximately all CMT fields. Each section is introduced by a renowned speaker (keynote) followed by four invited talks by younger scientists.

A very inclusive poster section is devoted to younger scientists (Master, PhD students,...)

This year, we will promote the best poster abstract to contributed talks!

The conference is at its second edition and it is the ideal continuation of the Fai della Paganella conference that strongly contributed to the building of a tight community feeling between the diverse but related scientific fields.

Link to Brixen2023 edition

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This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union under Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (ERC SLIDE grant agreement No 865633) and under the Horizon Europe research and innovation program (ERC DELIGHT, 101052708 and NeQST Program, 101080086).